
About Me
Choosing Better Medical Care

Do you remember the last time you realized that you were having serious health problems? I have never been someone who was completely in-tune with their own health, which is probably why I began focusing more on getting enough exercise and dieting properly. I started working with my doctor to get things on track, and I was really impressed with how many different options there were to help me to improve my health. This blog is all about choosing better medical care and knowing when to take hold of your health. Check out this blog to learn how to manage your own health.


Drown That Flu Bug: What Should You Drink When You Have A Cold Or Flu?

14 March 2018
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

One of the caveats of self-care when fighting off the flu or a severe cold is to stay hydrated. Any medical professional will advise you to get plenty of rest and drink plenty of fluids, but do you know which fluids will be the most helpful? Find out why you need to up your game in fluid consumption and which fluids are the most, and least, effective in helping you to feel better. Read More …

Conditions Your Doctor May Check For During A Routine Preventative Exam

14 March 2018
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

A routine preventative exam is the same thing as an annual physical examination. It is done to assess your current state of health and catch conditions early when they are easy to treat. For insurance purposes, this type of office visit is usually different from a checkup for an established medical condition. A routine preventative exam might be free even if you have to pay for other doctor visits. It's important for your good health to make sure you have one of these appointments each year. Read More …

Mental Health: How Do You Know If Your Loved One Needs Help?

14 March 2018
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

If your loved one begins to behave in a way that doesn't seem right, you may wonder if they have a mental health disorder. Although mental health disorders can be difficult to detect in some people, the conditions can reveal some signs of their existence. Here are things to look for in your loved one that indicate a mental problem and what you can do to help them overcome them. Read More …

5 Tips For Eliminating Bloating

14 March 2018
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Feeling comfortable all the time is one thing you'll want to do. However, this can be a real challenge if you're continually feeling bloated. You may feel as if you've gained weight and just don't look as attractive as you'd like. The good news is there are things you can do that will reduce the possibility of this occurring and being aware of tips to assist you are ideal. Tip #1: Avoid gassy foods Read More …

3 Benefits Of Using A Compounding Pharmacy

13 March 2018
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Individuals who have never worked with a compounding pharmacy may be pleasantly surprised by the number of compounds and medications that these pharmacists have access to. Often, they can solve medical issues that are difficult for other types of providers to work with, simply because of the ways that they can mix medications into lotions, chewable forms, and liquids. If the issue has anything to do with the way the medication is absorbed, the pharmacist can likely assist you. Read More …