Should an Irregular Menstrual Cycle Have You Visit an OBGYN?

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Choosing Better Medical Care

Do you remember the last time you realized that you were having serious health problems? I have never been someone who was completely in-tune with their own health, which is probably why I began focusing more on getting enough exercise and dieting properly. I started working with my doctor to get things on track, and I was really impressed with how many different options there were to help me to improve my health. This blog is all about choosing better medical care and knowing when to take hold of your health. Check out this blog to learn how to manage your own health.


Should an Irregular Menstrual Cycle Have You Visit an OBGYN?

25 June 2021
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

After several months of having your menstrual cycle, you will probably start to become familiar with when to expect it. And while the timings vary from one woman to the next, most women will not only have a regular schedule but will also have similar symptoms throughout each cycle. Certainly, there can be some minor changes to your period from time to time and these are not usually a cause for concern.

However, when you notice that your menstrual cycle is reacting vastly different from the norm, you may want to set up an appointment with a gynecologist. Some of the changes to watch out for include a change in the length of the cycle, excessive pain when experiencing menstrual cramps, a change in how much you've bled, and so on. This article outlines a few of the underlying causes of an irregular menstrual cycle that should have you visit an OBGYN.

You have developed a hormonal disorder

Hormonal changes are par for the course for women. Nonetheless, certain hormonal changes could be indicative of a disorder that would need medical attention. Hyperthyroidism, which occurs when your thyroid gland is overly active, will not only lead to sporadic periods but will make them significantly lighter too. On the other hand, an underactive thyroid will result in prolonged periods that are substantially heavier, which can be a cause for discomfort for a majority of the month.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is another hormonal disorder that will impact your menstrual cycle by making it excruciatingly more painful than before. Moreover, your cycle will be a heavier flow too. Instead of trying to self-diagnose, it is best to see an OBYGN who will carry out various tests to check for any hormonal disparities and determine the best course of treatment.

Your preferred birth control is interfering with your cycle

Although birth control solutions are supposed to safeguard against pregnancy without interfering with your menstrual cycle, some women may develop undesirable side effects. That is why a gynecologist must prescribe this medication for you as they will take a complete medical history which allows them to determine what option would be suited to your body.

Progesterone-based contraceptive pills, for instance, have a chance of causing spotting in some women, whereas intrauterine devices can lead to excessive bleeding. You should also know that while some types of birth control can suppress your menstrual cycle completely, others can result in cyclic bleeding. As long as you are taking some form of birth control and notice a severe change in your menstrual cycle, it is advisable to see an OBYGN.

For more information, contact a local gynecologist near you.