Has Your Child Been Diagnosed With Complex Learning Difficulties? 4 Ways To Encourage Growth And Independence
If you have a child with complex learning difficulties, you want to give them as much room for growth as possible. To do that, you need to make sure that learning happens at every level, including at home. Complex learning difficulties don't mean that your child can't learn, or won't learn, it just means that your child will learn differently than others. With that in mind, here are four steps you can take to help your child learn while at home.
Encourage Independence and Family Interaction
When it comes to helping your child with complex learning difficulties, it can be easy to focus on their weaknesses. However, that's not where the emphasis should be. Instead, you want to focus on your child's strengths. To do that, you need to first identify them. If your child likes to help in the kitchen, find a simple task that they can accomplish on their own, such as helping you put the groceries away or putting the plastic cups in the dishwasher. By focusing on the things that your child can do on their own, you'll encourage independence and family interaction.
Get Them Curious About Learning
If your child is just starting to explore the world around them, use that to encourage curiosity. That curiosity can be used to help your child learn as they grow. For instance, instead of just taking a walk, spend time exploring the things around you. Let your child feel the grass and the bark on the trees. If they're older, encourage them to watch the way bugs crawl along the ground, or the way that birds flap their wings to fly. Through curiosity, you'll find that your child is learning, even when they don't realize it's happening.
Give Them Opportunities to Grow
If your child has trouble learning tasks that will ensure their safety, such as looking both ways before they cross the street, find ways to give them opportunities to grow. It might not be safe to teach your child about crossing a busy street before they have the basics down, but you can take them to the park and teach them how to cross small pathways. As you provide more opportunities for growth, you'll find that your child increases in the tasks that they're able to accomplish safely and independently.
Expand on Classroom Goals
If your child is enrolled in a preschool program, it's important that you expand on the classroom goals that the teachers may have set. Expanding on those goals ensures that the things your child is being taught in the classroom are being reinforced at home.
To learn more, contact a company like New York City Child Psychological Services.