Is Your Loved One Dealing With An Alcohol Addiction? How To Plan An Intervention

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Do you remember the last time you realized that you were having serious health problems? I have never been someone who was completely in-tune with their own health, which is probably why I began focusing more on getting enough exercise and dieting properly. I started working with my doctor to get things on track, and I was really impressed with how many different options there were to help me to improve my health. This blog is all about choosing better medical care and knowing when to take hold of your health. Check out this blog to learn how to manage your own health.


Is Your Loved One Dealing With An Alcohol Addiction? How To Plan An Intervention

15 March 2018
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

If your loved one has a problem with alcohol, and they're refusing to get help, it's time to get their friends and family involved. It's time to plan an intervention. If you're not sure what an intervention is, it's an organized meeting where loved one's gather to encourage someone to enter a treatment facility. In order for an intervention to work, it needs to be carefully orchestrated, and everyone involved needs to be on the same page. Here are three steps you'll need to take to plan, and implement, a successful intervention for your loved one.

Start with the Right People

When it comes to planning an intervention, the first thing you need to do is gather the right people. You can't have a successful intervention with people who aren't on the same page, don't feel there's a problem, or who have issues with the person you're trying to help. A successful intervention training team will be made up of people that have a close, loving relationship with the person you're trying to help. It's also important to include a professional intervention specialist in the group. Not only that, but an intervention specialist can also help you find a treatment facility for your loved one.

Choose Your Time Wisely

When you're planning your intervention, be sure to choose the time wisely. You may want to choose a time that works best for you and the other members of the group. However, that won't necessarily be the best time for your loved one. For instance, if you plan an intervention for the evening or weekend, you may be choosing a time when your loved one will have already had a chance to become intoxicated. To make sure that your loved one is able to participate clearly, be sure to plan your intervention for a time when they're likely to be sober. Early to mid-morning often works best, especially during the weekdays.

Plan it Out Carefully

Once you have the team gathered and time arranged, you'll need to sit down and make a plan. An intervention is not the time to try and "wing it" or ad lib. Instead, you and every member of the team will need to plan it out carefully.

Write a Script

The first thing you'll need to do is write your script. Each member of the group will need to write out exactly what you want to say to your loved one. This will ensure that you don't forget anything that needs to be said.

Practice as a Group

When everyone has had a chance to write their scripts, you'll need to practice as a group. This will ensure that everyone is on the same page and you know what you're all doing.

Stick to the Plan

Your plan isn't going to work if you don't all agree to stick to it. That means you'll all need to commit to the plan and stick to your scripts.

If your loved one needs help with an alcohol addiction, it's time for you and your loved ones to step in. Use the tips provided here to plan a successful intervention. Once you've had the intervention, be prepared to help your loved one enter a treatment facility.